Detailsuche Suchhilfe

55 Suchtreffer

Aids (Jugend) | Aids (Uganda) | HIV-Übertragung


"What have you heard about AIDS?"

1987 - 1990
Ministry of Education / Ministère de L'Education
Item 3 / "Uganda School Health Kit on AIDS Control"
DHMD 2002/687

Aids (Diskriminierung) | Aids (Jugend) | Aids (Uganda) | HIV-Positiv


"Can you spot which person carries HIV?"

vor 1990
Ministry of Education / Ministère de L'Education, Herausgeber
Item 5 / "Uganda School Health Kit on AIDS Control"
DHMD 2002/688

Aidskranke | Aids (Uganda)


"What does a person with AIDS look like?"

vor 1990
Ministry of Education, Herausgeber
Item 6 / "Uganda School Health Kit on AIDS Control"
DHMD 2002/689

Aids (Uganda) | HIV-Übertragung


"Comment le SIDA se transmet"

1986 - 1990
Ministry of Education / Ministère de L'Education, Herausgeber
Item 7 / "Uganda School Health Kit on AIDS Control"
DHMD 2002/690

Aids (Jugend) | Aidskranke | Aids (Uganda) | HIV-Übertragung


"You can NOT get AIDS from:"

1986 - 1990
Ministry of Education / Ministère de L'Education
"Uganda School Health Kit on AIDS Control"
DHMD 2002/686

Aidskranke (Pflege) | Aids (Uganda) | Infektionsrisiko


"Care for People with AIDS"

vor 1990
Ministry of Education / Ministère de L'Education, Herausgeber
"Uganda School Health Kit on AIDS Control"
DHMD 2002/691

Aids (Familie) | Aids (Religion) | Aids (Uganda) | Treue


"Love Faithfully and Avoid AIDS to protect life and your family"

1987 - 1996
Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau, Herstellung
DHMD 2002/692

Aids (Jugend) | Aids (Religion) | Aids (Uganda)


"Avoid the Risk of Getting A-I-D-S"

1987 - 1995
Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau, Herstellung
DHMD 2002/693

Aids (Religion) | Aids (Uganda) | HIV-Übertragung


"You can get AIDS..."

1987 - 1996
Uganda Catholic Medical Bureau, Herstellung
DHMD 2002/694

Krieg | Aids (Männer) | Aids (Soldaten) | Aids (Uganda) | Kondom


"Do not shoot each other shoot AIDS"

1985 - 1995
Ministry of Health / Ministère de la Santé STD/AIDS Control Programme, Herausgeber
DHMD 2002/695

Aidskranke | Aids (Solidarität) | Aids (Uganda)


"Do not point fingers. Anyone can get AIDS. Even you"

1987 - 1995
Ministry of Health / Ministère de la Santé STD/AIDS Control Programme, Herausgeber
DHMD 2002/696

Aids (Familie) | Aids (Uganda) | Treue


"Let your child be born AIDS free"

1987 - 1995
Ministry of Health / Ministère de la Santé STD/AIDS Control Programme, Herausgeber
DHMD 2002/697

Aids (Allgemeinbevölkerung) | Aids (Uganda) | Geschlechtskrankheit | Kondom


"Correct use of Condoms protects you from AIDS and other STDs / Don't take chances!"

1985 - 1995
Ministry of Health / Ministère de la Santé STD/AIDS Control Programme, Herausgeber
DHMD 2002/698

Aids (Film) | Aids (Uganda)


"It's not easy"

Uganda Television
DHMD 2002/699

Aids (Frauen) | Aids (Prostitution) | Aids (Uganda)


"Support your friends. Help them to remain AIDS free"

Ministry of Health / Ministère de la Santé STD/AIDS Control Programme, Herausgeber
DHMD 2002/700

Aidskranke | Aids (Uganda) | HIV-Übertragung


"Le SIDA ne se transmet pas quand"

ca. 1990
Ministère de L'education, Herausgeber
8 / Ouganda Ecole de Santé. Materiel pur le Contrôle du SIDA.
DHMD 2002/595

Aids (Grossbritannien) | Aidskranke (Pflege) | Aids (Religion) | Aids (Solidarität) | Aids (Uganda)


"The way of the cross"

1986 - 1996
Peter Matovu, Zeichnung
CAFOD Catholic Agency For Overseas Development, Herausgeber
DHMD 2004/499
Reprovorlage vorhanden

Aids (Soldaten) | Aids (Uganda) | Kondom | Soldat


"Combat readiness / Condom readiness"

1985 - 1995
National Resistance Army (NRA), Herausgeber
DHMD 2008/463
Reprovorlage vorhanden

Aids (Jugend) | Aids (Familie) | Aids (Uganda) | Geschlechtskrankheit


"Parents! It's your Role to educate your children about STDs and AIDS / Talk to them Now."

1991 - 2009
Ministry of Health / Ministère de la Santé STD/AIDS Control Programme, Herausgeber
DHMD 2011/631

Aids (Uganda) | Geschlechtskrankheit | Krankheitsbild


"Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) also affect your mouth"

1990 - 2009
Ministry of Health / Ministère de la Santé STD/AIDS Control Programme, Herausgeber
DHMD 2011/635

DHMD 2011/636

Aids (Jugend) | Aids (Uganda) | Empfängnisverhütung | Geschlechtskrankheit


"Teenage Center / Keeping you safe / Straight Talk available here"

1994 - 2001
Delivery of Improved Services for Health (DISH), Herausgeber
DHMD 2011/637

DHMD 2011/638

Aids (Männer) | Aids (Treue) | Aids (Uganda)


"The Real Man ... is faithful to his partner. / Be A Man"

Young Empowered And Healthy (Y.E.A.H), Herausgeber
DHMD 2011/639

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